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A creative type, born to an Eastern European émigré family swimming in the debris of a post-traumatic era, Gail Varga has sailed oceans, climbed mountains, pedalled across countries, lost blood, sweat and tears over notions of progress, failed, loved, dealt bluntly with necessity, been close by when death was visiting, and enjoys bountiful health and life.


She Loves:

Water, being on it, around it and especially in it

Music, her old wonky piano, her violin with the gaffer tape on the back to stop it buzzing, some of the best concert halls of the world, strumming her ukulele

A kind of monotony, endurance and physical tenacity that most people would consider the antithesis of luxury

Luxury unbridled, often with gold leaf, but usually just adorned with naked nature


Getting her hands dirty



You might know her for:

Her novel, Wild Times with Granite

Other written things

Her photographs of her tropical sailing exploration

Building her own boat and other creative maker projects

Interior design and stencil work

Paintings of native NZ trees

Great food

Silly songs

Lots more...


She Has:

A hunky son, a beautiful man, an amazing family and a wealth of gorgeous people around

Three bikes (one currently sad)

A boat to sail around the world in

An amazing home to be in, leave and come back to

Gail Varga, freckles and smiles

© 2016 Gail Varga

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